Wannika Maithi – GC Powerlist
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Thailand 2024

Information technology

Wannika Maithi

Head of legal | Allianz Technology


Thailand 2024


Recommended Individual

Wannika Maithi

Head of legal | Allianz Technology

What are the most significant cases or transactions that you have recently been involved in? 

I had the opportunity to manage the legal team while we worked on a project that altered the structure of collaboration between the corporation and its affiliates. In such initiatives, the viability must be balanced against licensing limitations, internal legislation, and the needs of a global company. Such operations must nonetheless conform to the company’s fundamental aims and accurately establish a middle ground that allows the company’s activity to continue in accordance with the local laws. I must communicate the study’s findings to the project administrators. Even though the outcome was negative, it is vital to give alternate options that still adhere to the spirit of the project, including opportunities that originate from hurdles encountered. 


Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?   

I once asked my company’s software development team to construct an efficient job assignment and document storage system for the legal department based on user needs. For the first time, the support department had its own system and allowed users to submit work by issuing tickets, allowing incoming work to be managed efficiently, error-free, and accurately, and an efficient KPI report to be issued at the end of the year. 


How do you motivate and manage your legal team well?  

To establish structure and standards for legal departments wherever they have the potential to head legal teams. I’ve had the opportunity to learn from numerous CEOs, who have generously taught me how to structure work and documentation. These frameworks enable us to work more efficiently in limited time. So, I made a promise to share what I’ve learned with as many people as possible. 


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