C&C Group – GC Powerlist
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Ireland Teams 2016

C&C Group

| C&C Group


Ireland Teams 2016


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C&C Group


One of the most historic and well-known alcoholic drinks manufacturers in Ireland, C&C Group’s brand portfolio includes the famous Bulmers, Gaymers and Magners brands which are sold internationally as well as to its core domestic Irish and Scottish markets. In addition to the relevant legal work C&C Group’s operations attract, such as licencing, contracts and regulatory affairs, the company are notable in terms of sports sponsorship across the British Isles, requiring a solid legal platform from which to expand these endeavours. The C&C Group in Ireland are supported by a company secretarial function led by David Johnston, group company secretary, who leads a team ensuring the organisation is compliant with all relevant legislation and regulation in a highly-regulated market.

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