Joana Maltez – GC Powerlist
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Portugal 2024

Transport and infrastructure

Joana Maltez

Chief legal officer | Globalvia


Portugal 2024

Recommended Individual

Joana Maltez

Chief legal officer | Globalvia

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?   

Over the past year, we have faced numerous challenges. Alongside managing and concluding an arbitration with a highly positive outcome for one of Globalvia’s concessions in Portugal, we have been extremely busy due to the introduction of successive toll fee discounts, which recently culminated in the decision to permanently eliminate tolls on several highways in the country, including Globalvia’s concessions. This means that the years 2024 and 2025 will be critical or highly significant periods for determining the future of road concessions in Portugal.  

In addition to this, we have been working on various investment projects in Portugal, across different business areas. 


What strategic priorities are guiding you and your team in 2024?  

This year will be a year of consolidation for the organisation of the Legal Department in Portugal. At the end of last year, we had the opportunity to implement a set of measures and technological systems that allow us to be more agile and, on the other hand, give us more time for the creative legal process and to provide greater support and contribution to the business, particularly in the decision-making process. GenAI is increasingly becoming an important tool in the daily life of a lawyer, giving them the space to do the work that truly makes a difference and can only be performed by humans. 


Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about? 

I enjoy projects, whether small or large, easy or difficult (I prefer the difficult ones!). I like developing them, leading them, implementing them, and seeing them in action, and above all, learning throughout the process and from the mistakes made along the way. 

I am passionate about strategy and how it truly affects people. I believe that it is a company’s strategy and the ability to convey it to its employees, and above all, to demonstrate that we fulfil or strive to fulfil it, that will truly define how employees perceive the company, how they are motivated or demotivated by it, and how they live and represent its true culture. 

Joana Maltez - Portugal 2023

Legal director | Globalvia Portugal

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Joana Maltez

Legal director

Globalvia Portugal

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