Mari Hiraizumi – GC Powerlist
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Japan 2024


Mari Hiraizumi

General counsel Japan and member of the board | GlaxoSmithKline


Japan 2024

Recommended Individual

Mari Hiraizumi

General counsel Japan and member of the board | GlaxoSmithKline

What are the most significant cases or transactions that you have been involved in over the past year?

Last year, as usual, we dealt with many important matters. Among them, the most significant was providing support from all angles to successfully launch new products. Moreover, as we are actively engaged in developing systems using artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML), we have worked hand in hand with the business to unravel complex issues related to AI/ML and establish a solid governance structure.
How do you motivate and manage the other members of your legal team well?
I believe it is a manager’s role to foster an environment where team members can find fulfillment in their work, develop their capabilities, and maintain both physical and mental well-being while enjoying their work. To this end, I am attentive to several aspects. For instance, to ensure work is interesting and rewarding, I motivate my team members to engage directly and closely with business partners. To offer chances to learn, I occasionally rotate assignments within the team. I conduct regular one-on-one and all-hands meetings to exchange honest feedback in a psychologically secure setting. I encourage my team members to actively engage in external activities such as study groups, lectures, and writing activities with people outside the company. To uphold a healthy work-life balance, I advise my team members to effectively manage a good mix of remote and on-site work.
What is a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about, and why?
I have a keen interest in promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I). I believe that the active exchange of diverse perspectives in corporate activities is crucial for generating new ideas, increasing the likelihood of successful decision-making, and acquiring and retaining talented employees. I am an active sponsor for our company’s Employee Resource Group (ERG) called “Spectrum Japan,” which works to promote equal rights for LGBTQ+ people. While diversity in attributes such as gender, age, and ethnicity is important, it is also vital for each employee to broaden their horizons and cultivate intrapersonal diversity. From that perspective, I seek to encourage employees to engage in various activities both inside and outside the company so that they can gain a wide range of experiences.

Mari Hiraizumi - Japan 2023

General counsel Japan and member of the board | GlaxoSmithKline

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