Paola Cifuentes – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2024

Materials and mining

Paola Cifuentes

Legal manager | Anglo American


Chile 2024

Recommended Individual

Paola Cifuentes

Legal manager | Anglo American

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

The legal team is a strategic partner for the success of our business units. During periods of instability or crises, it is crucial for the legal team to be deeply involved in decision-making processes, which requires understanding the context and the evolving needs of our internal clients. In recent crises, we have emphasised proximity and collaborative work, maintaining close and effective relationships across the company, becoming an ally to whom they turned to for solutions. This approach helps us navigate challenges effectively and leverage crises as opportunities to rethink strategies and discover new benefits, strengthening relationships with the different teams. To ensure resilience, our legal strategy is not only aligned with the company’s overall business strategy but allows it to flourish, turning the legal team into a key member of the decision-making processes. We aim to be conservative but creative in mitigating risks while being bold and proactive in seizing new opportunities that can position the company favorably.

What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company?

The mining industry is evolving from traditional extractive activities to transformative processes that support local economies and social development, the energy transition, and the circular economy. Sustainable project development is key, and as General Counsel, I play an active role in embedding these principles into our company’s operations. It is not only a relevant goal, but rather the only way to achieve long-term business success. For instance, Anglo American is committed to community development, evident through initiatives such as enhancing local school facilities and teaching methods, and financing water infrastructure in underserved areas. Our legal team ensures these initiatives align with our sustainability goals by participating in the approval committee and supporting the internal teams to make such plans a reality.

One significant example of our commitment to sustainability is our agreement with Aguas Pacífico to secure desalinated water for Los Bronces, reinforcing our pledge to the United Nations to cease using fresh water in our mining processes by 2030. This Integrated Water Project will, in its first phase, access 500 liters per second of desalinated water from a plant in Puchuncaví, ensuring nearly half of Los Bronces’ water needs by 2025. This water will be transported to our recirculated water system, which reused 88% of process water in 2022, and will also supply water to the communities of Colina and Tiltil, benefiting around 20,000 people.

The second phase involves an innovative water exchange, where treated wastewater will be used in our production process in return for providing desalinated water for human consumption. This approach not only eliminates our dependence on fresh water but also benefits local communities, creating a virtuous ecosystem and contributing to a just transition. This kind of project implies different legal challenges as time consuming initiatives so, as legal team, we embrace these efforts as part of our daily jobs, seeking to ensure that they advance at the necessary pace.

In your opinion, what are the main trends that are salient in your country currently (these can be legal, political, economic, or business-based)?

The key trends in our country right now are focused on economic recovery, public safety and growth. It is crucial to create a stable legal environment to attract investors, which means simplifying regulatory processes and speeding up permits for projects. Increasing female participation in the workforce and improving job quality and opportunities are also important for boosting productivity. Overall, we need strong legal frameworks and inclusive policies to support sustainable development. As legal team, we encourage our external lawyers to give more and better opportunities to their female lawyers at different seniority levels, seeking a substantial improvement in a legal market that has lagged in these matters.

Paola Cifuentes - Chile 2019

Legal counsel | Anglo American

Following the start of her career as an associate at law firm Carey, Paola Cifuentes has enjoyed a 20 year career in Chile’s in-house legal market, establishing herself as a...

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