Diego Peró Ovalle – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2024


Diego Peró Ovalle

Legal and people director | Bupa Chile


Chile 2024


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Diego Peró Ovalle

Legal and people director | Bupa Chile

Team size: 23 in legal team and 38 in people department

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

During the past years, the main efforts of the legal team have been focused on managing legal aspects during a crisis, especially in connection with our health insurance business (Isapre), together with a scenario of high judicialisation and challenging negotiations with different counterparties, including the government. Additionally, the team has faced major challenges associated with the changing environment of healthcare provision in Chile. Managing legal aspects during instability or crises requires a proactive and integrated approach.

Horizon scanning to try to anticipate potential legal challenges through comprehensive risk assessments is a must. Maintaining compliance with changing laws and regulations is also crucial, to avoid penalties. Reviewing the relevant documents associated with the crisis is highly recommended, for example review and renegotiate contracts to include force majeure clauses and establish clear communication protocols to reduce misunderstandings and disputes. Legal strategy must align with the broader business strategy through close collaboration with the business, by attending committees and meetings from the beginning of a project, ensuring that decisions are legally sound. Adopting a more flexible approach is essential for responding quickly to new challenges, including revising policies or developing new procedures. Leveraging technology, like contract management software and data analytics, enhances legal strategies ensuring operational continuity during disruptions.

What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company?

Bupa seeks to improve the health of the planet since it is directly related to the health of people. We have a very ambitious sustainability agenda, with initiatives across a wider range of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) topics.

Our strategy is divided into three missions: mission zero, mission accelerate, and mission regenerate. In Bupa’s Zero mission worldwide, to 2040, we aim to be a net zero business, among other initiatives. In the regenerate pillar, we seek to improve people’s health through caring for nature and biodiversity. Along these lines, we implemented the Healthy Cities program that seeks to promote people’s physical activity while improving and creating healthier cities with a better environment for people. In the Accelerate pillar, we seek to promote initiatives through research, collaboration, and innovation. The CLO must be involved in these initiatives deeply, to ensure fulfilment under a controlled risk environment and to ensure governance and execution on time.

What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments?

Technology has become crucial for the legal profession. Resources such as AI, blockchain, smart contracts, cloud computing, and legal tech platforms must be considered. AI can automate routine tasks, improve efficiency, and reduce costs in document drafting, and due diligence.

Smart contracts can speed up any process. Cloud computing enhances remote work, data storage, security, and accessibility, for example improving document sharing. Collectively, these technologies will streamline operations, enhance efficiency, improve security, and transform legal service delivery, reshaping the legal landscape.

The real hard work to make the best out of these tools is related to quality of data, hence the focus of the legal area must be at first to have the house in order and to be sure that the data to be used is sound and reviewed. We try to stay updated about these matters through research, attending seminars, working really close with our transformation and digital areas and through a special working group developed by our parent company.

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Legal and people director | Bupa Chile

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