Pilar Estay Fernández – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2024


Pilar Estay Fernández

Legal director | DUOC


Chile 2024


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Pilar Estay Fernández

Legal director | DUOC

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organization’s resilience?  

In my experience, leading by example is crucial during a crisis to ensure the organization’s resilience. Demonstrating that the legal team is willing to roll up its sleeves, showing empathy, flexibility, hard work, and creativity, is fundamental to achieving success. Over the past few years, like many in-house counsels, I have worked in an industry that was severely challenged by the pandemic, testing us in every possible way.

The core purpose of my legal strategy has always been to ensure operational continuity and to maintain a business-oriented approach under any circumstance. A lawyer who fully understands the business and keeps pace with its demands will make things happen. When other departments feel your commitment, you gain their trust and become a part of the core business team. This trust positions you as a key asset and ensures your involvement in future business decisions.

I deeply value the human side of our role. Earning the trust of others and genuinely engaging with their challenges to show that we care about their problems and want to be part of the solution is something I consider essential. I believe it’s important to share this mindset with my team to achieve both our professional and personal goals.

What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company?  

Duoc recognizes the significant impact of the environmental crisis and the consequences we are currently facing. As a result, we have committed to implementing sustainable initiatives across our offices, campuses, and study spaces. Our Sustainability Policy is designed to create environments where sustainability and resource conservation are prioritized, contributing to our students’ development as future professionals and key drivers of positive change.

From a legal standpoint, we fully support and actively participate in these initiatives. Our team includes a sustainability ambassador, and we ensure that all decisions incorporate this perspective. For instance, in our agreements with suppliers, we strive to expedite and streamline the formation of concrete alliances with companies, NGOs, foundations, and other partners that share our commitment to sustainability.

Our primary objective is not only to raise awareness of the current environmental situation but also to embody our institutional values by showing respect for nature and all members of our community. We are starting with simple actions, such as conserving water and reducing energy consumption, to contribute to the broader effort to combat climate change.

How do you prioritize diversity and inclusion within your legal department, and what initiatives have you implemented to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment?  

Duoc is dedicated to its students, delivering academic excellence and ethical preparation to shape individuals for a better society. We foster a culture rooted in respect, promoting diversity and inclusion. As a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee (comprising three women and three men) within our community of 115,000 members, I help steer all related activities and initiatives.

I also oversee the prevention and investigation of issues such as sexual harassment, violence, and gender discrimination, including reviewing policies on disability and inclusion.

To effectively guide and implement these initiatives, it is crucial for me to first gain a deep understanding of the subjects at hand. My approach emphasizes moving from knowledge to action. I have completed several courses on diversity and inclusion, equity, gender, and human rights, and I encourage my team to engage in these academic activities as well.

My experience has demonstrated that diverse teams are more creative and engaged. While my primary focus in hiring is to find the most suitable candidates for each role, I am committed to advancing gender equality within our team, which is predominantly female and diverse in age and background.

I also consider the individual life situations of my team members, providing them with the flexibility they need. Having personally faced the challenges women encounter in reaching leadership positions, I am inspired by past managers who helped me balance professional development with family life. I believe that flexibility and trust foster team commitment, benefiting everyone involved.

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