Nicole Mulet Maturana – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2024

Materials and mining

Nicole Mulet Maturana

Gerente legal corporativo | Masisa


Chile 2024

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Nicole Mulet Maturana

Gerente legal corporativo | Masisa

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

During periods of instability or crises, we manage legal aspects by aligning legal strategies with the business strategy. This involves quickly identifying and assessing immediate legal risks, forming a crisis management team with key stakeholders for a coordinated response, maintaining open communication with the executive team to align legal strategies with business goals, and continuously monitoring and ensuring compliance with changing regulations. Additionally, we ensure transparent communication with stakeholders, managing the company’s reputation in alignment with public messaging.

Ethics also became an essential pillar for legal decision-making. As legal advisors, it is crucial to maintain high standards of integrity and transparency to preserve stakeholders’ trust, ensuring that the company conveys and reinforces these and other guiding values throughout the organisation. Social responsibility is another critical aspect. Companies must consider the impact of their decisions on society, ensuring that not only corporate interests are protected but also the well-being of the community and employees. Complying with current laws and regulations, even in times of crisis, is an ethical obligation that should not be ignored.

In summary, ethics ensures that legal decisions are not only effective but also fair and responsible, which is important for the organisation’s long-term resilience and reputation. In times of crisis, a legal strategy aligned with ethical principles strengthens the company’s ability to navigate challenges and maintain its integrity.

What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments?

Emerging technologies are indeed transforming the legal profession in many ways. artificial intelligence is revolutionising legal research, contract analysis, and predictive analytics. Legal tech platforms offer online legal services that make legal assistance more accessible, providing everything from document drafting to legal advice, often at a lower cost than traditional methods.

To stay updated on these developments, it is useful to follow websites dedicated to Legal Tech News, which often cover the latest trends and technologies in the legal field. Attending conferences and webinars provides insights into new technologies and their applications. Being part of professional networks and forums, such as LinkedIn groups focused on legal technology, can help you stay connected with peers and experts in the field. Staying updated on technologies is essential to improve efficiency, remain competitive, ensure compliance and security, increase accessibility, and adapt to innovations in the legal field.

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