Silvana Rosso – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2024

Consumer products

Silvana Rosso

Corporate legal adviser | Nestlé Chile


Chile 2024

Recommended Individual

Silvana Rosso

Corporate legal adviser | Nestlé Chile

Team size: Five

How do you prioritise diversity and inclusion within your legal department, and what initiatives have you implemented to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment?

At Nestlé, we prioritise diversity and inclusion within our legal department by recognising the value of diverse perspectives and experiences. We believe that a diverse team not only promotes social justice but also leads to superior outcomes compared to homogenous teams. We are committed to creating an inclusive and equitable work environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

To foster diversity and inclusion, we have implemented several initiatives within our legal department. One of our key activities is actively participating in gender balance initiatives in the legal profession. We understand the importance of promoting equal opportunities for women and increasing female leadership in the legal profession. We strive to empower, mentor, and uplift young female lawyers, providing them with the necessary support and guidance to excel in their careers.

Moreover, we extend our commitment to diversity and inclusion beyond our internal legal team. We actively invite and encourage our service providers and external partners to promote diversity and inclusion within their own teams. We believe that by collectively embracing and championing diversity, we can create a more inclusive legal profession and business ecosystem.

In addition to our gender balance initiatives, we also prioritise work-life balance benefits and flexibility for our lawyers. We recognise that maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for overall well-being and productivity.

Furthermore, we actively collaborate with various departments across the organisation to foster inclusion and diversity. Our legal team serves as catalysts for change, advocating for equal opportunities and diversity initiatives throughout the company. We work hand in hand with other departments to cultivate a culture where everyone’s contributions are acknowledged and valued.

At Nestlé Chile, we take great pride in our commitment to diversity and gender balance. Currently 48% of the leading roles in our company are held by women. We believe that these numbers reflect our dedication to promoting women in leadership positions and serve as an example for other companies in Chile to follow.

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