Alejandro Arias – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2024

Information technology

Alejandro Arias

General counse and governance affairs | Siemens Chile


Chile 2024

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Alejandro Arias

General counse and governance affairs | Siemens Chile

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?  

We’ve all heard that “crises are opportunities,” and I personally believe that periods of instability can underscore the crucial role of in-house legal departments. The value of our departments becomes evident when we leverage our detailed understanding of the company’s various businesses and support areas. For instance, during the pandemic, our company underwent a significant restructuring process. Our team managed complex negotiations successfully, demonstrating our strategic importance and leadership during a challenging time.

Our legal strategy aligns closely with the company’s overall strategy. As in-house lawyers, we must view ourselves as integral parts of the business rather than mere advisors. This mindset enables us to participate in decision-making processes and gradually establishes us as trusted advisors who are involved in nearly all key decisions, thanks to the trust we build with the business units.

How do you prioritise diversity and inclusion within your legal department, and what initiatives have you implemented to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment?  

I am proud to be part of Siemens, a company renowned for its global leadership in pioneering initiatives. We have a regional Diversity and Inclusion policy and firmly believe that diverse perspectives foster innovation and creativity while creating a workspace where everyone feels valued, accepted, and respected.

Aligned with the company’s commitment, our legal department actively promotes diversity and inclusion with a focus on gender equity. In our recruitment processes, we seek candidates based solely on their competencies for the position, regardless of other factors. We ensure gender balance within our team by adhering to the guidelines set by our compensation and benefits area. Additionally, we support maternity with benefits such as maternity leave subsidies and flexible home office options. We have also implemented measures to promote co-parenting, including parental leave for fathers, to ensure their active involvement in child-rearing.

In your opinion, what are the main trends that are salient in your country currently (these can be legal, political, economy or business-based)?  

Chile has long been recognised in the region as a model of a developing country. However, for nearly a decade, the country’s growth slowed significantly. Today, Chile has the potential to regain its growth trajectory and play a leading role on the regional and global stage, due mainly to its abundant natural resources.

Copper mining and lithium extraction position Chile as a key player in supplying essential materials for combating climate change. Additionally, the Atacama Desert’s world-leading solar radiation and the favorable Patagonian winds provide Chile with opportunities to become a major producer of hydrogen and green ammonia. This is one of the most pertinent discussions in Chile today. Recently, I had the privilege of joining a delegation of Chilean business leaders alongside an official government delegation led by President Gabriel Boric. Our mission was to foster business relations between Chile and Germany, focusing on lithium and green hydrogen/ammonia.

Both the public and private sectors are now working closely to accelerate the development of this industry, which promises to be crucial in the fight against climate change. Through these efforts, Chile aims to make a significant contribution to addressing this global challenge.

Alejandro Arias - Chile 2023

General counsel | Siemens Chile

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