General Counsel | Chevron
Ned Mojuetan
General Counsel | Chevron
General counsel | Chevron Nigeria
An oil and gas legal specialist, Ned Mojuetan has been working with oil giant Chevron since 2012. The esteem in which his expertise is held by this premiere international company...
Award-winning in-house counsel Ned Mojuetan’s landmark moments at the world-leading oil and gas company have included negotiating Chevron’s first deepwater block, the West African Gas Pipeline and the Gorgon Project. Currently chairing the Chamber of Commerce’s Oil Producers Trade Section (OPTS) legal subcommittee, he is a highly respected voice in the petroleum industry.
As general counsel of Chevron’s expansive Nigerian operations, he has made considerable changes to the legal function; building a department strategy, streamlining, upskilling and revamping performance targets and training. Mentoring junior lawyers, Mojuetan explains, is one area of his role which gives him particular satisfaction. When it comes to private practice lawyers, ‘cost management’ and a greater ‘solutions’ focus are areas for improvement.