Exxon Mobil – GC Powerlist
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Africa Teams 2016

Exxon Mobil

| Exxon Mobil


Africa Teams 2016


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Exxon Mobil


One of the world’s largest oil and gas companies, Exxon Mobil has invested over $24bn into Africa, split primarily between Nigeria, Angola, Chad and Equatorial Guinea. The company continues its investments in the region and is currently in the process of drilling its first exploratory well off the coast of Liberia, a project that has the potential to create jobs and boost the economy. However, drilling in countries that are known to have legal and compliance challenges has the potential to become laborious.

The legal team behind Exxon’s operation in Africa has impressed with its ability to effectively balance commercial interests against effective management of legal risks and successfully protect the upstream and downstream business on the continent. In Angola, the team has received praised for its contribution to the long-running Kizomba exploration, and in Nigeria the function receives particular praise for overseeing the nation’s compliance programs. The team coordinates a number of diversified projects, along with overseeing Exxon’s routine operations and has received plaudits for advice given on anti-corruption laws across Africa.

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