Ana Candelaria Alonso – GC Powerlist
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Argentina 2017

Ana Candelaria Alonso

Legal and compliance director | Novartis Argentina


Argentina 2017

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Ana Candelaria Alonso

Legal and compliance director | Novartis Argentina


An experienced in-house counsel in the pharmaceutical sector, Ana Candelaria Alonso spent over four years at the South American division of German pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim, where she went on to serve as manager of legal affairs, before joining Novartis Argentina as legal and compliance director in June 2014. Candelaria is praised by one nominator for her ‘supreme grasp of the pharmaceuticals space as a whole, ranging from highly specialised and technical areas of the market to much broader commercial and strategic issues’. She is a member of both the intellectual property (IP) and compliance committees of the Cámara Argentina de Especialidades Medicinales (CAEMe) and of the IP committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Argentina. Prior to moving in-house she was an associate at Buenos Aires firm Alfaro Abogados.

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