Barbara Maggi – GC Powerlist
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Argentina 2017

Barbara Maggi

General counsel – Argentina | Siemens


Argentina 2017

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Barbara Maggi

General counsel – Argentina | Siemens


With a long in-house tenure that has seen her undertake roles at several large companies, Barbara Maggi is currently the general counsel for Siemens in Argentina, a position that she assumed in 2010. Overseeing a comprehensive managerial and legal remit in order to deal with the many issues surrounding transactions and day-to-day operations, Maggi has an extensive background in several areas of the law. Spending six years at Argentinian law firm Allende & Brea before moving in-house to join General Motors in 2001, Maggi gained further experience as Lenovo’s Latin America legal manager, a position she held for almost three years before joining Siemens in 2010. Siemens has been a recent investor in the local economy, having recently agreed to partner with the Argentinian government on $5.6bn worth of infrastructure projects as part of President Mauricio Macri’s drive to attract global businesses to the country. Such projects include creating high-efficiency gas power plants and wind-based renewable energy, automating rail transportation systems to improve traffic flow, and implementing measures to make Buenos Aires municipal buildings more energy-efficient. Such an ambitious venture will require Maggi and her legal team colleagues to keep up with each of these individual projects and make sure they are being conducted in a transparent, honest and legally compliant way.

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