Legal and government affairs manager Argentina | Electrolux
Alejandro Hermo
Legal and government affairs manager Argentina | Electrolux
Legal and external affairs manager, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia | Electrolux
Alejandro Hermo, legal and government affairs manager Argentina at Electrolux is a
highly experienced in-house counsel, with ten years of in-house experience and prior experience at elite law firms in Argentina. He spent nearly ten years at British American Tobacco, including nearly eight years in the role of senior legal manager. In that position he developed expertise in legal aspects of marketing and IP, product regulations and liability litigation. He is adept at contractual law and all aspects of regulatory governance. In the words of a nominator, ‘Alejandro Hermo has developed an impressive capacity to reconcile the challenges of a business that is growing fast, and becoming much more competitive with the demanding local legal and regulatory requirements of this industry’. Hermo will bring this expertise to his new role as legal and government affairs manager for Argentina at Electrolux, one of the world’s largest household appliance manufacturer and retailers, with a large Latin American presence.