Legal director | Transportadora de Gas del Norte
Marcelo Brichetto
Legal director | Transportadora de Gas del Norte
General counsel | Transportadora de Gas del Norte
Founded in 1992, Transportadora de Gas del Norte engages in the transportation of natural gas via pipelines to the central and northern regions of Argentina, boasting a pipeline length of...
Marcelo Brichetto has led the legal department at Transportadora de Gas del Norte since 1998 and serves on its board of directors.
Transportadora de Gas del Norte is one of Argentina’s largest natural gas transportation companies, moving 40% of the natural gas in Argentina. It is exclusively permitted to operate the two natural gas pipeline systems in the North and Central-West regions of Argentina, representing 18% of the total energy transported in the country.
Brichetto manages the legal relationship between the company and its regulatory authority ENARGAS under law 24,076, and has contributed to the growth plans of the company in a planned expansion investment of US$9.9bn.