Jason Eng – GC Powerlist
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Asia Pacific 2014

Jason Eng

General counsel and chief compliance officer | Dymon Asia Capital


Asia Pacific 2014


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Jason Eng

General counsel and chief compliance officer | Dymon Asia Capital

Jason Eng - Southeast Asia 2017

General counsel and chief compliance officer | Dymon Asia Capital

Jason Eng joined Dymon Asia, a leading Asia-focused alternative investment management firm, as its first in-house counsel in 2011.Throughout his career, Eng believes he has had the privilege to learn...

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Jason Eng - Southeast Asia 2019

General counsel and chief compliance officer | Dymon Asia Capital

Appointed as Dymon Asia’s first ever in-house counsel in 2011, Jason Eng has been at the forefront of multiple noteworthy projects at the alternative investment management firm since then. Among...

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‘Work at Dymon Asia is never mundane or routine,’ says Jason Eng, general counsel and compliance head of leading alternative asset manager Dymon Asia. During his time at the company, Eng has been party to, in his words ‘seminal achievements tracking the major milestones in Dymon Asia’s corporate history and transformation’. These ‘milestones’ include establishing the business’s first private equity fund and its subsequent portfolio investments, overseeing from a legal perspective Temasek’s $500m venture with Dymon Asia to back new hedge fund managers and strategies; as well as setting up Dymon Asia’s UK office. Some of his biggest challenges, he says, have been adapting to ‘the never-ending wave of financial services and other regulations which affect hedge fund and private equity fund managers’, including Dodd-Frank Act, FATCA, anti-corruption and anti-money laundering legislation. As general counsel, he points to the need to be a ‘“jack of all trades”’, and to ‘grasp and dissect varied issues quickly’.

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