Emily Madder – GC Powerlist
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Australia 2023

Energy and utilities

Emily Madder

General counsel and company secretary | Siemens Energy


Australia 2023


Recommended Individual

Emily Madder

General counsel and company secretary | Siemens Energy

Team size: Local team of three covering legal and compliance but part of a large global team

What has been the number one challenge that has impacted you over the past year?

Continuing to build relationships face to face and online in a new world where more and more people work flexibly and more remotely. This has been a key focus to ensure we maintain a broad (diverse) exchange of ideas and expertise from incidental discussions and meetings. These opportunities are limited if interactions are only restricted to scheduled and online meetings.

Looking forward, what technological advancements do you feel will impact the role of in-house legal teams in the future the most?

AI can assist in doing essential checklist reviews of contracts with legal counsel using their expertise to focus on complex issues, such as considering what level of risk to accept and manage, as well as prioritising matters and problem-solving.

What would you say are the unique qualities required to be successful as an in-house lawyer in your industry?

Keeping a curious mind to stay on top of and communicate new legislative and case developments, the ability to review large amounts of material at both an overview and detailed level and most of all, being able to work in a multidisciplinary team of technical commercial and operational experts to listen, understand and exchange different viewpoints for the best outcome.

Emily Madder - Australia and New Zealand 2016

General counsel and company secretary | Siemens

‘Understanding the goals and strategy of the organisation is key to fulfilling the role of in-house counsel’, opines Emily Madder. During nearly 20 years with the global technology leader, Madder...

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