Francesca Rush – GC Powerlist
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Australia 2023

Public sector

Francesca Rush

Chief counsel – commercial and first assistant secretary Australian industry capability | Commonwealth of Australia Department of Defence


Australia 2023

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Francesca Rush

Chief counsel – commercial and first assistant secretary Australian industry capability | Commonwealth of Australia Department of Defence

What has been the number one challenge that has impacted you over the past year?  

Workwise, we have had some really significant changes in government. I have been involved in some very significant difficult legal matters. We terminated a very big contract here in Australia, and this caused all sorts of challenges internationally. Trying to navigate the politics, and to make sure that all of our stakeholder groups all stayed aligned has been challenging. And I always try to make sure myself and my team all behave in a way very much representative of our values and the professional ethics that we all live by.  


Looking forward, what technological advancements do you feel will impact the role of in-house legal teams in the future the most?  

Within my job, the security environment and in particular cyber environment is a very big thing. Therefore, ensuring that we have a very clear idea of our security parameters within the work we do, and making sure we have the right systems and processes to support not only the legal function, but more broadly, within the department is very important. We are putting in place an enterprise resource planning product, which is an planning and a case management product. Using this for case management in the context of legal matters is going to be a very big change for our people, but it is a very important tool for the department.  


What would you say are the unique qualities required to be successful as an in-house lawyer in your industry?  

It is always essential to have a curious mind, and essential to being a trusted advisor. It is important to listen, take on board all perspectives and trying to navigate the right outcome. Having ethics and  values and living by these values are very important within the department  


What are you passionate about?   

I joined the Department of Defence, and not public service, because I believe that bringing your skills to a government role, is really important. In this organisation, there are a lot of senior public servants who have been in public service their whole careers, and in Defence, a lot of military folk, who only have ever known anything different. That is hugely inspiring to me. It is inspiring in terms of how, throughout their whole career, they really do stay on the mission to defend our nation, its interests and prosperity and look after people. This is a role where I feel that I bring value and live my values.   

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