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Australia 2023

Transport and infrastructure

George Roins

General counsel and company secretary   | Transport Asset Holding Entity of New South Wales


Australia 2023

Recommended Individual

George Roins

General counsel and company secretary   | Transport Asset Holding Entity of New South Wales

Team size: Nine

What has been the number one challenge that has impacted you over the past year?

TAHE, a relatively new state-owned corporation, is the owner and strategic asset manager of a $20bn asset portfolio. TAHE’s remit is to enable a more effective, commercial approach in the investment and management of transport assets, including property.

The main challenge over the past year has been working with a diverse range of government and non-government stakeholders and embedding the new operating model across the Transport Cluster. As each stakeholder has different priorities, functions and legislative obligations, working together with all parties to refine and further implement the TAHE operating agreements that were entered into approximately 18 months ago has been challenging, yet extremely satisfying. We have gotten to a point where the roles and responsibilities of each counterparty are clearly delineated as TAHE appoints and collaborates with several organisations to undertake end-to-end management and operation of its diverse asset base.

Additionally, being an election year, the organisation has been subject to unprecedented political scrutiny. This has generated significant work in responding to numerous requests for information by the legislative council, parliamentary inquiries and audits by the auditor-general. Balancing these requests for information with the continued successful operation of the business has been a challenge on time and resources, but the team has worked diligently to ensure the organisation continues to deliver on its strategic objectives while protecting its integrity and the reputation.

Looking forward, what technological advancements do you feel will impact the role of in-house legal teams in the future the most?

The implementation of flexible working arrangements has necessitated a greater reliance on technology. Video conferencing and secure document sharing platforms will again be a focus over the next year. Solutions to facilitate the secure sharing of legal communications and large contractual documentation, as well as the electronic execution of documents will need to be further refined. Encryption will also be very important as organisations seek to bolster their cyber security practices.

Artificial Intelligence will be more prominent as lawyers seek to automate time consuming and labour-intensive tasks. Technology assisted reviews and precedent automaton will enable lawyers to efficiently undertake these tasks, creating more time for them to provide strategic legal input across the organisation.

What would you say are the unique qualities required to be successful as an in-house lawyer in your industry?

The ability to build trust and relationships across the organisation is crucial. Once you gain the confidence of your CEO, the executive team and the board, your input in the strategic decision making of the organisation will be key. This requires a thorough understanding of your organisation and its operating environment, which will help you readily identify legal risks and manage or resolve those risks in an efficient and timely manner.

It is also important to be approachable and solutions focused. Colleagues will seek your approval to undertake various activities and it is imperative that you provide precise and easily understandable solutions.

Establishing relationships with agencies across the government is also very important as this ensures that organisational objectives are met, and relevant approvals and authorisations are quickly obtained.

Finally, having regard for the diversity of the TAHE asset base and the breadth of legislation that applies to it, being prepared to step outside your comfort zone and explore new and complex legal issues is crucial in this industry. A ‘can-do” attitude with a willingness to learn and expand your legal expertise would bode well for a successful in-house career with TAHE.

George Roins - Australia 2022

General Counsel and Company Secretary | Transport Asset Holding Entity of New South Wales

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George Roins

General Counsel and Company Secretary

Transport Asset Holding Entity of New South Wales

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