John Rodger – GC Powerlist
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Australia and New Zealand 2016

John Rodger

General counsel | Vector Limited


Australia and New Zealand 2016

Recommended Individual

John Rodger

General counsel | Vector Limited


‘An excellent lawyer’ with ‘strategic vision’, John Rodger ‘discharges himself with passion, professionalism and a good sense of humour’. He has held a variety of legal and commercial roles during his time at New Zealand’s top electricity distributor, reflecting his holistic involvement in the business. Sources value his capacity to work seamlessly across different business sections and his ability to build relationships and see the position from both sides of the table. During his time as Vector’s GC, he has led the function’s centralisation, imposing processes and a tiered process. Working to build the legal brand across the business, he has won high respect at board-level, and achieved greater integration within a short space of time. After appointing the company’s first compliance manager, Rodger has also impresses with his role developing a coherent framework across the business. Rodger previously worked at O2 and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in the UK.

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