| TPG Telecom
TPG Telecom
Overseeing and executing important transactions is a hallmark of the legal team at TPG Telecom, an Australian telecommunications and IT company which is the country’s second largest internet service provider and its largest mobile virtual network operator. In charge of the legal team is general counsel Tony Moffat who has been at the company since 2001 and is assisted by corporate counsels Caroline He and Manoj Narsey who have a history of negotiating multi-million dollar contracts with large organisations. In 2016 the team was integral in concluding two commercial agreements worth a combined value of more than $1bn AUD with Vodafone Hutchison Australia. In the following year, the team oversaw legal matters relating to TPG’s successful bid purchase of spectrum in the 1800MHz band worth $84.7m AUD in total. Of the acquisition, TPG’s CEO David Teoh said ‘this further investment in spectrum represents the beginning of the next exciting chapter in TPG’s development’, according to an official company source. Later in that year, the team helped TPG enter ‘a significant multimillion dollar commercial agreement’ with I-MED Network, Australia’s largest medical imaging clinic network, under which TPG will deliver high speed networks connecting all of I-MED’s locations across the country. Moffat and his team then assisted TPG in winning a bid at the New Entrant Spectrum Auction in Singapore. After a $105m AUD investment, the deal saw TPG become Singapore’s fourth mobile operator.