Bernard Reviczky – GC Powerlist
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Austria 2024

Energy and utilities

Bernard Reviczky

General counsel South East Europe | Siemens Energy Austria


Austria 2024

Recommended Individual

Bernard Reviczky

General counsel South East Europe | Siemens Energy Austria

First, can you please give us an idea of the sort of work your team has done recently?

We, the Siemens Energy South East Europe Team, are responsible for both the legal advice of the sale, execution, and warranty phase of projects in the product, solution, and service business, from power generation and transmission to storage, as well as the corporate housekeeping tasks.

Siemens Energy is one of the world’s leading energy technology companies, working on energy systems for the future and supporting the transition to a more sustainable world. The company’s portfolio includes conventional and renewable energy technology, such as gas and steam turbines, hybrid power plants operated with hydrogen, power generators, transformers, and the wind power subsidiary Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy. As a result, we work across a broad field of technology and contracts.

Siemens Energy plays a massive role in shaping the energy landscape, with our technology accounting for an estimated one-sixth of the electricity generated worldwide.

How does your legal strategy change during periods of instability or uncertainty?

Our company’s internal and external alignment and collaboration with other legal experts and functions have increased and deepened. We are proud to have a company-wide network of around 96,000 colleagues worldwide, spanning more than 90 countries.

Do you make use of any ‘legal tech’ products, and if so, for which areas of your job do you find it most useful?

We, the Legal and Compliance organisation of the Siemens Energy group of companies, utilise several tools on a daily basis. We have global tools including the Litigation Case Register, an External Counsel Engagement System, Export Control tools, and a Business Partner tool. Additionally, we have a Whistleblowing system, accompanied by further incident reporting systems beyond Legal and Compliance, such as HSE and Security. 

For automated advice regarding non-disclosure agreements or letters of intent, we have click-through templates in place to reduce or even avoid the need for in-person advice.

Bernard Reviczky - Austria 2022

General corporate counsel South-Eastern Europe | Siemens Energy

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