Christoph Oswald – GC Powerlist
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Austria 2024

Food, beverages and tobacco

Christoph Oswald

Head of legal, senior counsel Austria | Philip Morris Austria


Austria 2024

Recommended Individual

Christoph Oswald

Head of legal, senior counsel Austria | Philip Morris Austria

First, can you please give us an idea of the sort of work your team has done recently? 

Our team has been actively involved in litigation, representing our organization in proceedings before the Administrative Court, the Constitutional Court, and the Supreme Administrative Court. In data privacy compliance, we have been advising on regulations such as the GDPR and CCPA. Our efforts include drafting privacy policies, conducting privacy impact assessments, and ensuring readiness for data breaches. Additionally, we specialize in contract drafting and negotiation, ensuring that our agreements are robust and favourable. These initiatives underscore our commitment to legal excellence and regulatory compliance across all facets of our operations. 


How does your legal strategy change during periods of instability or uncertainty? 

Risk Assessment: We conduct thorough risk assessments to identify potential legal vulnerabilities. This involves scenario planning, stress-testing existing contracts, and evaluating exposure to litigation or regulatory penalties. 

Agility and Flexibility: Our team remains agile, ready to pivot as circumstances change. We prioritize issues based on urgency and impact. For instance, during the pandemic, we swiftly addressed force majeure clauses, supply chain disruptions, and remote work policies. 

Scenario Modeling: We create multiple legal scenarios and assess their implications. This helps us prepare contingency plans and allocate resources effectively. Whether it’s renegotiating contracts, revising compliance protocols, or adjusting litigation strategies, we stay proactive.  

Communication and Transparency: Clear communication with stakeholders is crucial. We keep executives, employees, and clients informed about legal developments and potential risks. Transparency builds trust and ensures alignment with organizational goals.  


Do you make use of any ‘legal tech’ products, and if so, for which areas of your job do you find it most useful? 

Yes, we actively utilise legal tech products to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM): We employ CLM software for contract drafting, review, and tracking. Billing and Matter Management: Legal billing software simplifies invoicing, expense tracking, and budget management. Legal Research Platforms: Access to comprehensive legal databases allows us to stay updated on case law, statutes, and regulatory changes. 


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