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Austria 2024

Commercial and professional services

Claudia Lettner

Teilbereichsleitung rechtsservice wirtschafts- und gewerberecht (head of legal, legal services, economic and trade law) | Wirtschaftskammer Wien (Vienna Chamber of Commerce)


Austria 2024

Recommended Individual

Claudia Lettner

Teilbereichsleitung rechtsservice wirtschafts- und gewerberecht (head of legal, legal services, economic and trade law) | Wirtschaftskammer Wien (Vienna Chamber of Commerce)

Team size: 18 


First, can you please give us an idea of the sort of work your team has done recently? 

My team and I basically all legal matters except for labour law, be it economic, civil, public, trade law, data protection law, etc. We are advising Viennese companies and entrepreneurs by email, telephone and personal contact, and an estimated 120 consultations are made like this every single day. In addition, we are giving seminars and web seminars, and are also busy as lay magistrates at courts. Every two weeks, a FAQ is published in the newspaper Wiener Wirtschaft where we answer legal questions concerning business law, and of course we also publish articles in newsletters, newspapers and books. 


How does your legal strategy change during periods of instability or uncertainty? 

My team and I are lucky to not be subjected to any instabilities or uncertainties, but we are of course focal points for companies which want to get advice for their own strategies in this regard. This is of course confidential, and the solutions depend on the status of the individual company. 


Do you make use of any ‘legal tech’ products, and if so, for which areas of your job do you find it most useful? 

We have for some time been working with artificial intelligence, and a chatbot and a voice bot have been installed to currently answer our clients’ questions regarding sustainability and subsidies. 




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