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Austria 2024

Transport and infrastructure

Dominik Schelling

Senior legal counsel | Hirschmann Automotive


Austria 2024

Recommended Individual

Dominik Schelling

Senior legal counsel | Hirschmann Automotive

Team size: five  
First, can you please give us an idea of the sort of work your team has done recently? 
Our legal department serves as the central service desk for all legal issues within the Hirschmann Automotive Group globally. Due to the international scope of our team, our profound knowledge of the company, our enthusiasm, and the excellent legal academic background of our team members, we are dedicated to providing all departments with prompt and reliable support.  
In addition to successfully concluding a significant project concerning supply chain due diligence, major damage claims, and serious escalations with customers and suppliers, our team is also focused on contract management to proactively safeguard our interests, IP management to protect our innovations, and compliance to navigate the company through the complex regulatory landscape.  

How does your legal strategy change during periods of instability or uncertainty?  
Periods of instability or uncertainty require our team to focus on our core competencies and prioritise our efforts. Additionally, we continuously monitor, identify, and proactively mitigate potential legal risks while ensuring flexibility and agility. Moreover, every challenge requires increased collaboration with other departments to develop the best solutions for the company.  

Do you make use of any ‘legal tech’ products, and if so, for which areas of your job do you find it most useful?   
Our legal department utilises various legal tech products to enhance efficiency and accuracy. We currently utilise a contract management software that streamlines the whole contract lifecycle, an IP management software to organise all our patents and trademarks, a whistleblowing software to allow anonymous reports about potential misconduct, as well as various legal research platforms. Furthermore, we are currently investigating a new AI supported software that will aid us in reviewing contracts.  

Dominik Schelling - Austria 2022

Senior legal counsel | Hirschmann Automotive

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