Lukas Pinterits – GC Powerlist
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Austria 2024

Transport and infrastructure

Lukas Pinterits

Senior director legal affairs and compliance, secretary general | Austrian Airlines


Austria 2024

Recommended Individual

Lukas Pinterits

Senior director legal affairs and compliance, secretary general | Austrian Airlines

Team size: 20  
First, can you please give us an idea of the sort of work your team has done recently?
We have steered through the biggest crisis the industry has ever seen, transitioning from our daily routines to firefighting mode. We have pledged assets in foreign countries, negotiated state-backed loans, all while keeping the basics covered to prepare for a ramp-up and bring the industry to pre-pandemic levels. Both transactions and legal issues have been out of the ordinary, keeping us on our toes.  

How does your legal strategy change during periods of instability or uncertainty?  
It is certainly a matter of reprioritisation as well as keeping things as simple as possible. When a crisis hits, it comes down to being prepared, having a well-educated team that is not dependent on outside counsel. We have always strived for in-house expertise, which serves us well, especially when instability or uncertainty arises.  

Do you make use of any ‘legal tech’ products, and if so, for which areas of your job do you find it most useful?  
We have some assistance in contract drafting. Furthermore, we are developing a legal bot to make use of specific AI algorithms, but we are still in the early stages of the process.  

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