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Austria 2024

Telecommunications services

Matthias König

Manager legal and compliance | NTS Netzwerk Telekom Service


Austria 2024

Recommended Individual

Matthias König

Manager legal and compliance | NTS Netzwerk Telekom Service

Team size:  8 

Spotlight on: The team’s current endeavours 

Following outstanding revenue growth of the company during the last years, the NTS legal and compliance team has taken over responsibility for all global legal affairs within the group, reaching from Australia, Austria, China, Germany, and Italy to the USA. Topics include general Compliance Management, Export-Control, Corporate Legal and Product Compliance, including purchasing and retail contracting.    

During this time the company doubled in size three times with organically and self-driven growth. 

Current projects of the team include building cultural awareness across the organisation for Trade Compliance issues and offering easy-to-use services at eye-level to all internal and external stakeholders, considering central principles of Customer Experience when collaborating with business partners. At the same time “gentle” control systems and measures are implemented to ensure corporate governance interests whilst not risking the good standing and open culture within the company.   

Also Supply-Chain Compliance requirements are becoming a central focus, with European Regulation giving momentum to the topic. Finally, group-wide CSR activities are aligned within the L&C Team and communicated through a yearly CSR-Report. 

Now, the team is seeing relevant changes in risk appetite of stakeholders, caused by global instabilities and current uncertainties. Contracts are becoming more risk-averse, trying to transfer risks more toward suppliers. At the same time, suppliers are not able to cover all risks and there is a noticeable need to negotiate harder. 

The team lately implemented a fully digitised case management and has realised a completely paper-free office (across all workflows) using Slack, Jira, DocuSign and SharePoint. This was a necessity because all team members are located at different locations. Therefore, this solution has become most useful for the team. Paper free office is also a relevant part of the groups CSR activities. 

The team is very much looking forward to capture challenges that are ahead to support business growth even further.   

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