Rafael Pellegrini Ribeiro – GC Powerlist
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Austria 2024

Food, beverages and tobacco

Rafael Pellegrini Ribeiro

Director, legal, tax and corporate affairs – international division | BRF


Austria 2024


Recommended Individual

Rafael Pellegrini Ribeiro

Director, legal, tax and corporate affairs – international division | BRF

Team size:  30  


First, can you please give us an idea of the sort of work your team has done recently?  

Our team, comprising 30 professionals across 7 countries, oversees all legal, tax, and corporate affairs matters outside Brazil. The international division of BRF contributes almost 50% of our company’s total revenue. We manage corporate compliance for 30+ entities globally, including a public company in Turkey and several joint ventures. We handle contracts, litigation, labour, and regulatory matters across 20+ jurisdictions.  

In 2023, we achieved notable milestones, including a joint venture with the PIF, Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund, to establish poultry production in Saudi Arabia, bolstering our presence in a vital market. Additionally, we are streamlining our complex corporate structure through multijurisdictional asset reorganisation for enhanced efficiency. Amidst this, we navigate intricate legal disputes, addressing diverse litigation from commercial disputes to labour issues.  

These endeavours highlight our commitment to adeptly managing global legal complexities, forging strategic partnerships, and fortifying our corporate infrastructure for sustained growth and resilience in an ever-evolving market.  


How does your legal strategy change during periods of instability or uncertainty?   

In our industry, instability and uncertainty are constants, shaping our legal strategy to be agile and proactive. We prioritise anticipatory risk assessment, swiftly adapting to emerging challenges by cultivating robust contingency plans and scenario analyses. Monitoring legal and regulatory developments is paramount, enabling us to recalibrate strategies promptly and seize opportunities amidst uncertainty.  

Collaboration across departments is central, fostering synergy and leveraging diverse expertise to devise business friendly solutions. Transparent communication with stakeholders instils confidence amid ambiguity.  

In essence, our legal strategy during instability prioritises agility, foresight, and collaboration, empowering us to navigate challenges adeptly, while capitalising on opportunities in a dynamic landscape.  


Do you make use of any ‘legal tech’ products, and if so, for which areas of your job do you find it most useful? 

Yes, we leverage legal tech products, and we are eager to incorporate more, especially those with AI support. Presently, we use tools for subsidiaries, contract and case management, enhancing efficiency and compliance.  

Integrating AI promises to further optimise our processes, particularly in predictive analytics, legal research, and decision-making support. This expansion aligns with our commitment to harnessing innovative solutions to navigate the complexities of our legal responsibilities effectively.   


Rafael Pellegrini Ribeiro - Austria 2022

Head of legal, international markets division | BRF

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