Wolfgang Vanas – GC Powerlist
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Austria 2024

Information technology

Wolfgang Vanas

Head of legal | ecosio


Austria 2024


Recommended Individual

Wolfgang Vanas

Head of legal | ecosio

First, can you please give us an idea of the sort of work your team has done recently?  

Recently, the legal department at ecosio has been intensely focused on efforts crucial for scaling, in line with our fast-growing business. Especially, as a leading provider of e-invoicing services, our work has involved a comprehensive review and adaptation to upcoming regulatory changes, particularly with an eye on new e-invoicing mandates being introduced across various countries, with a special focus on Germany’s impending 2025 mandate.

In parallel with these efforts, scaling the legal department also meant intensifying our compliance operations—a growing pain that demanded strategic attention. As regulations evolve and the business landscape becomes increasingly complex, our compliance framework has had to become more sophisticated. Recognising this, we have significantly scaled our compliance efforts to match our rapid growth.  

In this regard, achieving ISO 27001 information security certification in the first half of 2025 stands as a pivotal goal in our compliance journey, showcasing a unified commitment across various departments.    

A key milestone in our compliance journey is aiming for the certification for ISO 27001 by May 2025, a standard that underscores our commitment to information security.

How does your legal strategy change during periods of instability or uncertainty?  

At ecosio, our approach to legal strategy, especially during periods of instability or uncertainty, is anchored in our commitment to consistency and excellence. Despite the shifting requests by internal stakeholders that come with changing circumstances, our core legal strategy remains unwavering. Our focus is always on delivering fast and high-quality legal advice to navigate through any challenges. By maintaining this consistent strategy, we are able to adapt to the evolving needs of our projects and stakeholders, ensuring that ecosio remains legally agile and resilient. 


Do you make use of any ‘legal tech’ products, and if so, for which areas of your job do you find it most useful?   

When scaling the legal team at ecosio, a crucial initial step was to enhance efficiency and automate routine legal processes. The implementation of a Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) software marked a significant milestone in this journey. This strategic move enabled the automation of numerous legal tasks, particularly streamlining the creation, negotiation, and management of contracts. By empowering various stakeholders within the organization to utilise predefined contract templates for their specific needs, we observed a substantial reduction in the time previously spent on drafting and reviewing legal documents. This not only optimised our workflows but also allowed our legal team to focus on more complex and strategic aspects of legal support. 

Currently, as we continue to evolve and seek ways to further enhance our legal operational efficiency, we are in the process of evaluating and onboarding a new tool specifically designed to assist with privacy compliance.  


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