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Austria Teams 2023

Materials and mining


| ams-OSRAM


Austria Teams 2023

Recommended Team


Team size: Seven

Key team members: Martin Pecher, Lukas Pinegger

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?

We redefined our legal procurement processes, in particular the engagement of external counsel, by integrating them into our group’s central procurement process. By that means we were able to reduce IT tools and make use of our procurement team’s bargaining power. This did not only come without any substantial investment in new IT tools but resulted in effective cost savings due to enhanced cost transparency and a staggered negotiation process.

Apart from legal matters, has the team worked on other company initiatives?

We were engaged in the drafting of a board composition and diversity policy for our supervisory board. As an Austrian stock corporation listed in Switzerland with a global footprint and diverse workforce, we wanted to reflect our commitment to responsible corporate governance and transparency to ensure the trust of our stakeholders. This policy provides the fundamental principles of our supervisory board in terms of the competency profile of the board, its concept on diversity as well as the personal requirements and individual skillsets for the composition of the board’s shareholder representatives.

Can you sum up the team culture/ethos in one sentence? 

Our team ethos is best summarised as finding the right balance between being a business enabler and the company’s gate keeper. This includes the necessity to understand the risk appetite of the organisation as well as the levels of revenue generation and our procurement strategy. Our team members are encouraged and empowered to make use of their full skillset reflecting their ample experience and expertise given the complexity of our diverse global organisation in the fast-paced semiconductor environment.

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