General counsel company lawyer | Napoleon Games
Alexandra Olbrechts
General counsel company lawyer | Napoleon Games
Passionate about media and innovation, Alexandra Olbrechts has held various roles within many different fields within the media sector, dealing with a wide range of negotiations and contracts in constantly evolving technological and professional circumstances and regulations. Developing an interest in intellectual property law, media and new technologies, she studied an additional LLM in intellectual property law proving her dedication to mastering the field. At the end of 2004 she had the opportunity to put this qualification into practice when she was hired by SBS Belgium, operating the then commercial TV channels VT4 and VIJFtv as legal counsel. As of 2008, Olbrechts took on the responsibility for the legal department and became more and more involved in all SBS Belgium’s strategic files as the right hand of the CEO and COO. After the acquisition of SBS Belgium by De Vijver Media in 2013, Olbrechts left the company. ‘Passionate in media and innovation, I continued my career from a different perspective. I had the opportunity to work as advisor media to the Flemish Minister of Media and Innovation’. In early September 2014 she was contacted by Medialaan, a dominant commercial television player in Flanders to join its legal team on a temporary basis until end of 2014. From October 2015 until March 2018 she took on the role as legal counsel for Eurofiber Belgium, a fast growing technology company exploiting a nationwide fibre network and rendering different IT services such as secure cloud services, ethernet and internet services. ‘During the first year after the integration of the Syntigo acquisition [of the company] I have experienced the specific context of integrating a bilingual team out of a public company within an existing commercial team, combined with advising in post-closing circumstances – as an added value to my career’, explains Olbrechts. In 2018 she was headhunted for her current role as general counsel for both the Napoleon Games & Wimi Games Group, where she has dealt with the challenge of dealing with files in a heavily regulated gambling and gaming industry – something that is currently in permanent flux in Belgium. Olbrechts has worked on regulatory initiatives launched and recently approved by the competent political majority, as a response of Constitutional Court decisions held after prejudicial questions which endangers different licences operated by Napoleon Games, matters that have required her undivided legal and business attention and skills.