Emma Trogen – GC Powerlist
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Benelux 2019

Emma Trogen

Legal director | Cosmetics Europe


Benelux 2019


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Emma Trogen

Legal director | Cosmetics Europe

Emma Trogen - Benelux 2022

Deputy director general – head of legal department | Cosmetics Europe

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Cosmetics Europe is deeply involved in various scientific research projects which require significant negotiation of contractual frameworks from the legal department. When Emma Trogen joined Cosmetics Europe in 2013, the internal contract negotiation skills and contract management processes were minimal, and with the increase in the number of scientific projects the legal department has had to build up significant expertise in this area. ‘Now five years later, the legal department under my leadership has acquired important negotiations and contractual skills. [Trogen] alongside the setting up of solid contracts database and contracts management process, thereby managing legal risks of the association and enhancing trust in the expertise of the legal department in this area, to the benefit of Cosmetics Europe’, says Trogen. Trogen’s daily activities mix internal legal advice on corporate matters, court and administrative processes as well as active participation in policy shaping activities where expert legal advice is necessary. She is also actively involved in the defence of the interest of the European cosmetics industry at European and international levels, having been directly or indirectly involved as an association director in several court cases at the level of the ECJ. These affairs have a high importance for the interpretation and shaping of the legal framework of the cosmetics industry. To this end, regular interaction with European institutions is also part of Trogen’s role, ensuring the correct legal application by the European and member states national authorities, regarding the application of legal and regulatory framework. Trogen also coordinates all the associated work on the industry’s position on vertical distribution competition law, including on selective distribution which represents an important business model for many Cosmetics Europe members. ‘Advocacy outreach has been intense and I regularly participate in panels and debates on the topic, discussing with competition authorities and other stakeholders, which provides good viability and visibility to the business interests and Cosmetics Europe’s activities’, says Trogen.

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Emma Trogen

Deputy director general – head of legal department

Cosmetics Europe

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