Kirk Crowder – GC Powerlist
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Benelux 2019

Kirk Crowder

Vice president international general counsel, chief compliance officer | Bloomin' Brands


Benelux 2019

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Kirk Crowder

Vice president international general counsel, chief compliance officer | Bloomin' Brands


Internationally trained lawyer Kirk Crowder has demonstrated legal experience as a senior legal advisor in multiple industries. Crowder has first-hand experience in leading and managing diverse international organisations globally, including living and working in the US, the UK, France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. As the vice president international general counsel and chief compliance officer for Bloomin’ Brands, Crowder oversees all compound international legal matters, including corporate governance, commercial agreements, M&A, real estate and franchising agreements. Some of his career highlights while at Bloomin’ Brands include overseeing the sale of Korean operations, realigning the Hong Kong operations and establishing new operations in China and theMiddle East. Crowder was integral to establishing new joint venture operations in Mexico and acquired Brazil joint-venture partner, and established new local businesses. Crowder has established the company’s global compliance program, including FCPA, anti-corruption with local country adaptations and has also established global corporate policies and a procedure programme, implementing multi-language localised policies. Prior to this role, Crowder was a global general counsel and regulatory affairs and quality assurance director at Archimica Group Holdings in Milan and Amsterdam.

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