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Benelux 2022

Hotels, restaurants and leisure

Alexandra Olbrechts

General counsel | napoleon games


Benelux 2022

Recommended Individual

Alexandra Olbrechts

General counsel | napoleon games

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

The most significant case the legal team was involved in recently was the takeover of our group, Napoleon Games, by Superbet. Superbet is headquartered in Romania and has the world’s largest private equity group Blackstone among its shareholders. This Superbet acquisition has been a transaction of historical importance in Romania. Thanks to this takeover, Superbet immediately established a significant footprint as a market leader in the Belgian gambling market with two casinos and 25 arcades.

How do you feel the pandemic has changed the world of work for in-house counsel and the function of the general counsel?

Since the pandemic, tele-working has become the standard; online meetings are the new normal and meetings in person are the exception.

The hybrid working model has led to the need for a new approach, so the legal team implemented a set of new policies in cooperation with the compliance department. Technical facilities at the office have meanwhile been upgraded to optimise and enhance the possibilities for organising and attending online meetings.

Compliance training and workshops have been facilitated by digital means, which has had a huge impact on the knowledge level of the organisation, while embracing e-signature technologies has resulted in a smoother process of obtaining fully executed documents, which can then be efficiently archived digitally.

Alexandra Olbrechts - Benelux 2019

General counsel company lawyer | Napoleon Games

Passionate about media and innovation, Alexandra Olbrechts has held various roles within many different fields within the media sector, dealing with a wide range of negotiations and contracts in constantly...

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Alexandra Olbrechts

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Napoleon Games

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