Anne Hustinx – GC Powerlist
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Benelux 2022

Transport and infrastructure

Anne Hustinx

General counsel | royal schiphol group


Benelux 2022

Recommended Individual

Anne Hustinx

General counsel | royal schiphol group

Team size: 15

What are the most significant cases and transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

We gave advice leading to the termination of a large construction contract, namely Pier A – Ballast Nedam TAV, which has recently been made public and on (regulated) charges setting under the Dutch Aviation Act in a complex stakeholder environment. Our team was also involved in obtaining permits under the Dutch Nature Conservation Act for all group airports, finalising the Airport Decree by the Dutch National government and advising on opening of Lelystad Airport.

How do you feel the pandemic has changed the world of work for in-house counsel and the function of the general counsel?

It is not only the pandemic responsible for changes in the work of in-house counsel but also general societal changes. The focus in my role as general counsel has experienced a shift from answering, ‘what is permissible under applicable regulations?’ to questions centered around ‘what can we explain to society?’.

Our licence to operate has come under pressure due to increasing court cases relating to health and emissions. I increasingly see it as my role to find the right balance between the company’s interest, the applicable regulatory framework and societal or general interest.

What will be the main focus for the company in the next 12 months and how do you intend to assist with this?

Our focus will be recovering traffic and connectivity while increasing the earning capacity of the company and investing in quality. We will assist in the divestment of 8% of the share capital in Groupe AdP and repurchase our stake of 8% shares in Groupe AdP, whilst investigating other (international) opportunities that could contribute to Schiphol’s earning capacity. Another focus area will be to successfully tender the remaining scope of Pier A, mentioned above. Also, several of our sustainability and commercialising initiatives will require substantial legal support from my team.

What do you feel are the pros and cons of an in-house legal role compared to a private practice one?

In my opinion, there are many more pros than cons. My current role builds on my legal basis and knowledge but is also a combination of legal, strategy and public affairs. Also, I have broad leadership responsibilities as one of the senior leaders of our company which cannot be compared to my time in private practice.

Although, with that being said, I value our smart and specialised external lawyers. We could not do our work without their knowledge, ability to produce advice and representation in litigation.

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