Eduard Koster – GC Powerlist
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Benelux 2023

Materials and mining

Eduard Koster

General counsel | International Chemical Investors


Benelux 2023

Recommended Individual

Eduard Koster

General counsel | International Chemical Investors

What has been the number one challenge that has impacted you over the past year?

The number one challenge was coordinating the first ever sale of the group. Being on the side site for the first time meant changing habits that have been acquired over the period since inception. This represented a major shift in our understanding and procedures.

What would you say are the unique qualities required to be successful as an in-house lawyer in your industry?

Similar to being a successful partner in an international law firm, being a successful in-house lawyer requires legal and commercial understanding. In contrast to a private practice partner, the in-house lawyer goes deep into the minutiae of its organisation’s problems and does not just work to clear its major hurdles.

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General counsel | International Chemical Investors Group

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Eduard Koster

General counsel

International Chemical Investors Group

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