Bolivia 2022 – GC Powerlist
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Bolivia 2022

  • Industries

  • Powerlist

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Alexandra Blanco

General legal counsel | Pro Mujer

Non-profit / public sector

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Andrea Ruck-Uriburu

Legal advisory manager | Banco Fassil


Anne Paola McFarlane O.

Gerente de asesoría legal y gubernamental | Farmacorp


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Bernarda Florez

Asesora legal | Confederation of Private Entrepreneurs of Bolivia (CEPB)

Administrative bodies

Bernardo Eid Asbun

Gerente legal | Itacamba Cemento

Materials and mining

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Carlos Bastón

Gerente legal | FONPLATA Development Bank


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Carlos Montero

Gerente legal | Banco Fortaleza


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Carlos Eduardo Quiroga Plaza

Gerente legal | Bolsa Boliviana de Valores


Carlos Ugarte Johnson

Senior legal counsel | Phoenix Tower International

Telecommunication services

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Cecilia Miller

Senior legal counsel | PedidosYa

Information technology

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Claudia Andia Torres

Chief compliance officer | Koban


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Claudia Riveros

Legal counsel | Empresa Minera Inti Raymi (EMIRSA)

Materials and mining

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Claudia Uria

Asesora legal | Minera San Cristobal

Materials and mining

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Cynthia Valencia Canedo

Gerente de asuntos corporativos | Alicorp

Consumer products

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Daniel Pineda Calderón

Asesor legal nacional | Astara Bolivia, Ovando

Consumer products

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Diego Arduz

Asesor legal nacional | Seguros y Reaseguros Credinform International


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Dilma Paola Justiniano Fuentes

Gerente legal and legal compliance manager | Praxair

Industrials and real estate

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Georgios Garoufalias

Senior legal counsel LNG West and head of legal | Shell

Energy and utilities

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Hernán Ríos Serrano

Gerente de asuntos legales | YBFB Chaco

Energy and utilities

Hugo Andrés Hinojosa Peláez

Gerente de asuntos institucionales | FEXPOCRUZ

Consumer products

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Hugo S. Via

Legal chief | Zurich Insurance Bolivia


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Ibo Blazicevic

Director nacional asuntos corporativos y legales | Cervecería Boliviana Nacional

Consumer products

Inés Lara Rojas

Gerente legal y asuntos corporativos | Nestlé

Consumer products

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Jaime Sanabria

Gerente Legal | Compania de minerales Especializados Cominesa

Materials and mining

Javier Basta Ghetti

Gerente legal e Institucional | Pil Andina

Consumer products

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Jorge Orias Vargas

Vicepresidente asuntos jurídicos | Banco Nacional de Bolivia


Jorge Badani Veintemillas

Legal director | Huawei Technologies

Information technology

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Jose Carlos Burzuri Romero

Director legal | KPO Group

Energy and utilities

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José Gualberto Villarroel Román

Asesor legal | Compañía Boliviana de Energía Eléctrica (Cobee)

Energy and utilities

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José Luis Bejarano Frías

Gerente asuntos legales | Embotelladoras Bolivianas Unidas (EMBOL)

Consumer products

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Juan Carlos de la Via Pereira

Gerente legal | Banco Económico


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Juan Pablo Alvarez

Gerente legal | Cerveceria Boliviana Nacional (CBN)


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Juan Pablo Bonifaz Echalar

Gerente nacional legal | Sinchi Wayra

Materials and mining

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Juan Pablo Sánchez Orsini

Legal manager | Telefónica Celular de Bolivia

Telecommunication services

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Karem Roca Coca

Gerente legal | Ferroviaria Oriental

Industrials and real estate

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Kelly Romina Torrico Merida

Sub gerente legal y de cumplimiento | Brinks Bolivia

Industrials and real estate

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Leonardo Leigue

Gerente legal | Petrobras

Energy and utilities

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Marcelo Alarcón Caba

Gerente area legal | Banco de Credito de Bolivia


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Marcelo Hassenteufel Loayza

Legal manager | Empresa de Telecomunicaciones Nuevatel PCS de Bolivia (VIVA)

Telecommunication services

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Marcelo Terceros Pereyra

Legal senior manager | Repsol

Energy and utilities

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Maria Eugenia Mosciaro

Business manager | Indatta (Grupo Sofía)

Commercial and professional services

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Milenka Saavedra Muñoz

Gerente nacional de asuntos legales | Banco Solidario


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Nataly Soliz Machuca

Jefe de asesoría legal | Bebidas Bolivianas BBO


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Nicolas Gutierrez Miserendino

Gerente legal | Grupo Empresarial de Inversiones Nacional Vida


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Nicole Navia Ibárcena

Chief legal officer | Checkapp Bolivia

Information technology

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Nora Andreina Claros Soria

National Corporate Manager Legal Advice | Alianza Compania de Seguros y Reaseguros


Pablo Rodrigo Carrasco Arandia

Senior lawyer | Finning Bolivia


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Pedro Antonio de Urioste Prieto

Gerente legal | Banco Ganadero


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Raúl Guillermo Almaraz Lobo

Legal manager | Nibol

Consumer products

Rene Armando Abrego Labe

Gerente legal | Kimberly-Clark Bolivia

Consumer products

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Sergio Soliz-Gómez

Sub gerente nacional legal | Sociedad Boliviana de Cemento (SOBOCE)

Materials and mining

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Sergio Torrico Gumucio

Gerente legal | Jalasoft

Information technology

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Sergio A. Rocha Méndez

Gerente legal | Banco Mercantil


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Sergio Javier Jimenez Terrazas

Gerente nacional legal | Toyosa

Consumer products

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Sergio Reyes Avaroma

Asesor legal | YPFB Andina

Energy and utilities

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Sonia Beatriz Soruco Ruiz

Legal manager | National Chamber of Industries (CNI)


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Vladimir Alvarez Roa

Gerente legal y regulatorio | AXS Bolivia

Telecommunication services

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Walter Guido Ocampo Crespo

Corporate lawyer | China Railway Construction Corporation International Sucursal Bolivia

Industrials and real estate

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Yalú Galarza

Asesora legal | Minera Alcira

Materials and mining

The Legal 500 GC Powerlist: Bolivia 2022 was a delightful project to be a part of, particularly as it marks the first of its kind in Bolivia. This publication excellently captures the theme of innovation, resilience and adaptation among the leading legal counsel across all industries in Bolivia. These counsel gladly shared their organisational objectives, successes, and challenges over the past few years with us. Among the remarkable stories shared, there was a general sentiment on how greatly their teams and organisations had been impacted by sustained crises, specifically alluding to political and economic hardships.

Despite the unprecedented time of Covid-19 and the aftermath that each country globally is facing individually, the general outlook among all participants was one of keeping motivation through crises. Had there been a decided theme to this edition, it would be one which effectively encapsulates how tenacious leading legal professionals in Bolivia have been. They have remained steadfast providing legal advice and positively transforming the cultures of their team and organisations through noteworthy determination and remarkable leadership.

In-house counsel in the maiden edition of this publication describe the last few years to be riddled with ‘moments of great political and social turbulence and uncertainty occurring due to a civil strike and city lockdown that lasted 21 days’. Following this, there was no exception to political and economic implications as well. Regardless, many more counsel shared exciting projects they innovatively led their companies through, such as the launch of new products, expansion of business and smart management of legal resources. Counsel also shared how much their usual tasks had changed, referring to how their organisations had required them to widen their scope of work and be a contributing voice to business decisions. Several counsel note that this is a welcome change and one which has decisively expanded their day to day work. One counsel aptly describes this as, ‘no day being boring or the same as another, as supporting the challenges that a company faces in Bolivia makes us vigilant and on top of legal and political changes.’

Organisations in Bolivia can rest assured that in-house counsel are well prepared to face tasks head-on. Many stories were shared about how to revive and sustain the organisations they worked with against a transformative background such as what exists now. Succinctly put by another counsel, his plan for his team is that ‘all must maintain constant training in the laws and trends within their sector, and even with other sectors that today seem to be very distant but might become more relevant with technological advances.’

Some in-house lawyers reported their concerns with the lack of legal framework on particular hot topics globally, such as ESG among others, and how they are prioritising navigating their organisations towards a sustainable future. One general counsel depicts the state of play as, ‘many regulations do not incorporate the necessary tools to achieve environmentally friendly objectives and to become a more sustainable institution, in Bolivia. For that reason, legislative initiatives must be generated to complement existing regulations or create new law….as in-house lawyers, we need to create legal structures that allow us to advance towards these objectives.’

We are glad to have such an esteemed list of leading legal professionals actively participate in this publication. It was such a pleasure to hear their highlights in their line of work and encapsulate their motivation in this publication. Tonight, they join hundreds of legal professionals globally located, in being recognized as top in-house counsel within their jurisdiction. Congratulations to all the brilliant, innovative leading in-house counsel of The Legal 500 GC Powerlist: Bolivia 2022!

Melissa Yebisi | Research analyst | GC Powerlist Series


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PPO is proud to sponsor and host the first GC Powerlist: Bolivia.

At PPO, we value leadership skills, collegiality and a strong commitment to quality and professionalism within the market, and, of course, in companies’ legal departments.

Therefore, with great pleasure we congratulate the GCs listed in the GC Powerlist: Bolivia, the world’s foremost legal directory for general counsel (GCs).

Bolivian companies require GCs with a strong combination of academic skills and business awareness. GCs that possess such skills make strong contributions that improve their employers’ competitiveness and profitability. Their advice mitigates contingencies, solves existing problems, and identifies opportunities put forward by a constantly developing world.

In the past two years, we have worked side-by-side with Bolivian GCs, who have had a remarkable role in overcoming a long list of difficulties posed by new legislation resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic and a political and social crisis. In this period, GCs have been required to make strategic decisions, showing a great degree of resilience, finding solutions, and paving the way for their companies to navigate through a challenging and uncertain business environment.

PPO works closely with GCs and legal departments based in Bolivia and abroad. Our clients’ challenges and opportunities motivate and urge us to constantly innovate and seek ways to improve our services.

Our team has a broad understanding of the marketplace, trends and business climate.  We quickly adapt to today’s increasingly changing environment, thanks to our in-depth understanding of laws and regulations.

We deliver innovative solutions to meet clients’ needs by leveraging our specialized teams across multiple practice areas. Our professionals provide the insight, innovation, resources and experience to meet the challenges of doing business in Bolivia.

GC Summit Cyprus 2025

On March 18th, the Legal 500’s GC Summit: Cyprus 2025 brought together leading legal professionals, in-house counsel, and industry experts for a day of insightful discussions on key legal and regulatory challenges. The event served as a platform for exchanging ideas, examining recent developments, and exploring best practices across various legal disciplines. Held at the Hilton Nicosia, the conference gathered nearly 100 legal professionals, fostering a day of enriching conversations and valuable networking opportunities.

The event was made possible in association with our esteemed partners: Harris Kyriakides, Elias Neocleous & Co and Hadjianastassiou, Ioannides LLC (member of the Deloitte Legal network). With their support, the Legal 500 curated a dynamic agenda featuring four insightful panel discussions, each designed to address pressing issues facing in-house counsel today.

The sessions began with a welcoming address from Francisco Castro, Research Editor at the Legal 500, who emphasised the importance of fostering meaningful dialogue among corporate counsel and strengthening connections within the country’s in-house legal community.

The first panel explored competition law developments, focusing on Cyprus while incorporating perspectives from Greece, the EU, and the UK. Moderated by Michael Kyriakides (Harris Kyriakides), the discussion examined recent M&As, enforcement priorities, and legislative updates affecting businesses. Panellists, including Hara Nikolopoulou (Hellenic Competition Commission), Angelos Stenimachitis (Compass Lexecon), Victoria Mertikopoulou (Kyriakides Georgopoulos), and Eleni Neoptolemou (Harris Kyriakides), provided valuable insights into risk mitigation strategies and compliance best practices. Attendees gained a clearer understanding of how evolving competition laws impact market dynamics and corporate decision-making.

The second session focused on the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) and its implications for financial institutions. Panellists discussed whether DORA enhances market resilience or imposes excessive compliance burdens. Moderated by Andrea Kallis Parparinou (Elias Neocleous & Co LLC), the panel featured insights from Emilios Charalambous, Michael Ioannou (both from Elias Neocleous & Co LLC), and Sofia Savva (Societe Generale Bank Cyprus), the latter providing insights from the financial sector. The discussion underscored how organisations can transform compliance obligations into strategic advantages, balancing regulatory adherence with business growth.

The third panel addressed the EU Pay Transparency Directive, emphasising its role in reinforcing equal pay and anti-discrimination principles. The discussion, led by Calliopi Nicolaidou (Hadjianastassiou Ioannides), covered key provisions, potential challenges in transposition, and the business benefits of pay equity. Contributions from Michalis Georgiou (Hadjianastassiou Ioannides), Lena Panayiotou (Cyprus Employers & Industrialists Federation), and Angeliki Fotopoulou (Coca-Cola HBC Greece & Cyprus) provided practical strategies for integrating compliance with organisational values, highlighting the directive’s far-reaching impact on hiring, compensation, and corporate culture.

The final panel discussion, moderated by Francisco Castro (Legal 500), explored the transformative role of AI in legal departments. Panellists Margarita Malai (GlobalDots), Evgenia Smirnova (TAPCLAP), and Stepan Chplakhyan (Smartcat) discussed how AI is reshaping in-house legal work, the ethical and regulatory complexities of AI adoption, and best practices for leveraging AI-driven tools. The session provided attendees with a roadmap for integrating AI while maintaining compliance and strategic alignment within their organisations.

Francisco Castro concluded the summit by thanking speakers and participants for their contributions, as well as the amazing audience in attendance. He reiterated the importance of ongoing collaboration within the legal community to navigate emerging regulatory and technological challenges effectively. The event wrapped up with an engaging networking lunch, providing attendees with an opportunity to connect and continue discussions in an informal setting.

The GC Summit: Cyprus 2025 successfully brought together industry leaders to discuss pressing legal issues, share expertise, and explore forward-thinking strategies. The discussions reinforced the need for legal professionals to proactively engage with regulatory changes and technological advancements, ensuring that legal departments remain key drivers of business resilience and innovation. The Legal 500 looks forward to returning to Cyprus and further strengthening its relationships with the country’s in-house legal community in the future.