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Bolivia 2022

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Javier Basta Ghetti

Gerente legal e Institucional | Pil Andina


Bolivia 2022


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Javier Basta Ghetti

Gerente legal e Institucional | Pil Andina

"Javier joined Pil Andina in February 2018 as legal assistant manager. In January 2019, he was promoted to legal and institutional manager. He heads the advisory processes on legal issues and manages the company's relations with different public and private institutions, as well as government, judicial, administrative and police authorities to maintain legal certainty and the company's institutional image. He legally advises the company on every matter he’s involved with, and attends to requirements, contingencies, or eventualities to achieve the timely defense of the company's rights, and the freedom of its legal representatives and workers. Additionally, he also leads the management of the corporate social responsibility policy, positioning the company's corporate reputation with its different stakeholders or interest groups. He stands out for his ability to handle conflicts, for his integrity and for his comprehensive vision during business. Javier Fernando Basta Ghetti has a law degree from the Universidad Católica Boliviana (UCB), a master’s degree in commercial law from Universidad Privada Boliviana, and studied tax and financial law at Universidad Autónoma Gabriel Rene Moreno. He participated in the management and leadership program taught by the SINERGIA group, incorporated in the intensive course on International Tax Law, at Universidad Austral in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Moreover, he participated in the course on International Contracts in the Oil and Gas sector, taught by the CWC-School For Energy Limited. In 25 years of work experience, he has provided advice on legal, tax and corporate matters and also contributed to high-performance, leadership and decision-making teams. "

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