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Bolivia 2023

Materials and mining

Marco Suárez

Asesor legal interno | Grupo Fancesa


Bolivia 2023

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Marco Suárez

Asesor legal interno | Grupo Fancesa


Marco Suárez is a corporate lawyer with experience in commercial, labour, mining and regulatory law, with a focus on advising at the level of management bodies. He has an experience of approximately fifteen years in business advice, within which more than thirteen has advised Grupo Fancesa companies in the city of Sucre, as an internal legal advisor on issues related to corporate governance, commercial law, labour law and mining law, within the activities of the industrial-mining sector. He is currently a business lawyer for Sermisud, a subsidiary of Fancesa

Regarding his professional training, he has various training and updating courses in the legal field, with greater emphasis on commercial law. Likewise, several graduates studied at different universities. He also has a master’s degree in law and international business and has completed a master’s degree in business law. In the academic field, he is a visiting professor in programs related to labour law at a postgraduate level.

In his current job position, he is in charge of the control, verification, monitoring and legal compliance so that the activities of the business social line are framed within the national regulations and that his advice is the basis for the company to avoid, or in its case, timely detect contingencies that significantly affect or harm corporate or business performance. Likewise, its advice at the level of corporate governance and management bodies, seeks to establish synergies that lead to good business practices and avoid conflicts or asymmetries in information channels. Regarding the internal legal role of company lawyers, he considers that it is fundamental since it is the initial and preventive control so that the business activity can be developed in a continuous and timely manner, framing their actions in regulatory legal compliance and good practices. corporate transparency, loyalty and Codes of Ethics. In his free time Marco enjoys time with his family, made up of his wife and two daughters, with some outdoor activities, in nature, some sports or being at home enjoying good family movies.

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