Veronica Saldaña Rivero – GC Powerlist
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Bolivia 2023

Food, beverages and tobacco

Veronica Saldaña Rivero

National lawyer | Embotelladoras Bolivianas Unidas


Bolivia 2023

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Veronica Saldaña Rivero

National lawyer | Embotelladoras Bolivianas Unidas

Can you, please, tell us a bit about yourself, your career and greatest achievements?

My name is Veronica Saldaña Rivero, I am a lawyer by profession, graduated with excellence. I have a diploma in corporate and business law, with a technical academic degree in English.

I mainly have experience in commercial law – business. I currently work at EMBOL which is the bottling company with the Coca Cola franchise in Bolivia, is dedicated to the industrial activity of products and commercialisation of soft drinks.

I started my professional life doing pre-professional internships at the company YPFB Refinación  (company dedicated to the oil sector), from which I acquired a lot of knowledge in terms of commercial agreements and contracts, especially with foreign companies, among others.

Then I was given the opportunity to do pre-professional internships at the company EMBOL, which I accepted immediately. Sometime later they offered me to be part of the legal team of the Santa Cruz regional and later they promoted me to the position of national lawyer of the parent company, a position in which I am currently working.

Among my main functions, the management of timely attention to the contracts required at the national level stands out, coordinating and supervising the service of external lawyers in each Regional Embol; operationalise legal compliance programmes (corporate compliance) in terms of outsourced services, commercial contracts with distribution centers, free competition and develop comprehensive legal support actions for the different areas of the company at the national level.

It should be noted that, apart from these specific functions, in the legal area of ​​Embol we have the purpose of systematising legal knowledge in our organisation, we provide strategic legal advice to managers and headquarters, we simplify and digitise all processes that may have some legal impact and we execute projects of legal interest.

A key aspect in the work that I do every day is having what we call a 360 vision, which means anticipating all possible scenarios and legal impact, always keeping in mind the business objective, in order to implement practical, dynamic and efficient legal strategies.

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