Fabiola Valenzuela Viera – GC Powerlist
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Bolivia 2024


Fabiola Valenzuela Viera

Jefe de la unidad de asesoria legal | Universidad Católica Boliviana - Sede Santa Cruz


Bolivia 2024


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Fabiola Valenzuela Viera

Jefe de la unidad de asesoria legal | Universidad Católica Boliviana - Sede Santa Cruz

How do you manage legal aspects during periods of instability or crisis, and how does your legal strategy align with the overall business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience? 

To manage legal aspects during crises, it is essential to align the legal strategy with the business strategy to ensure organisational resilience. The following points are crucial: risk assessment and preparedness — identify legal risks and develop contingency plans; internal communication and coordination — foster interdisciplinary collaboration and establish clear communication lines; flexibility and adaptability — review, adjust contracts and adapt to regulatory changes; proactive conflict management — promote mediation and protect the organisation’s assets; partnership with external advisors — collaborate with experts and stay updated on best legal practices; and focus on resilience — incorporate resilience into the legal strategy and conduct continuous evaluations. 


What measures has your company taken to incorporate sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the general counsel’s role contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company? 

The Universidad Católica – Santa Cruz Campus is currently implementing various measures to incorporate sustainability practices in its organisational and infrastructural activities. These measures include: waste management — implementing recycling programmes and reducing waste on campus; energy efficiency — installing renewable energy systems, such as solar panels, and adopting energy-efficient technologies in university buildings; environmental education and awareness — including courses and workshops on sustainability and environmental issues in both academic and administrative spheres; and sustainable water use — implementing rainwater harvesting systems and wastewater treatment to reduce water consumption. 

The legal advisor’s role is crucial in promoting and ensuring these sustainable practices within the institution. Key contributions include (i)regulatory compliance — ensuring all sustainability initiatives comply with local and international laws and regulations; (ii) internal policies — developing and overseeing the implementation of internal policies that promote sustainability; (iii) strategic advice — advising the university’s leadership on sustainable strategies and their integration into institutional planning; (iv) risk management — identifying and mitigating legal risks associated with sustainable practices; (v) interdepartmental collaboration — facilitating cooperation between departments to ensure a cohesive and effective approach to sustainability. 


In your opinion, what are the main trends currently relevant in your country (whether legal, political, economic, or business-related)? 

In Bolivia, the main current trends include regulatory changes such as reforms in labour and tax laws to adapt to new economic realities; sustainability policies — increasing emphasis on sustainable business practices and environmental regulation; technological advances resulting in the growth in the adoption of emerging technologies such as fintech and e-commerce; the impact of political volatility on foreign investment and the business climate; and the focus on diversifying the economy with emphasis on sectors like mining, agriculture, and tourism. 


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