Flavia Castedo Llanos – GC Powerlist
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Bolivia 2024

Administrative Body

Flavia Castedo Llanos

Jefe del centro de conciliación y arbitraje comercial | Cámara de Industria, Comercio, Servicios y Turismo de Santa Cruz (CAINCO)


Bolivia 2024


Recommended Individual

Flavia Castedo Llanos

Jefe del centro de conciliación y arbitraje comercial | Cámara de Industria, Comercio, Servicios y Turismo de Santa Cruz (CAINCO)

How do you manage legal aspects during periods of instability or crisis, and how does your legal strategy align with the overall business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience? 

During periods of instability or crisis, such as those currently facing Bolivia, the management of legal aspects becomes critically important for CAINCO. We have adopted a series of strategic measures to ensure not only operational continuity but also the protection of the interests of Bolivia’s business community. I highlight the following actions, which I have undertaken with the institution’s legal team: (i) monitoring the legal environment — together with our team, we conduct continuous monitoring of legislative initiatives, supreme decrees, and public policies that may impact the Bolivian business environment; (ii) legal risk analysis — alongside monitoring the legal environment, we analyse the legal risks our member companies might face, including potential sanctions or regulatory non-compliance; (iii) contingency planning — depending on the type of risk encountered, we have contingency plans to manage representation and lobbying at both central and sub-national levels of government. This aims to safeguard the rights of our companies and ensure a healthy investment climate. 

Supporting our legal team, I contribute with a proactive approach to ensure we have clear strategies and positions when negotiating solutions with government authorities. In this way, we align our strategy not only to protect the business community but also to face challenges and seize opportunities in a dynamic and changing environment, such as the one currently in Bolivia. 


What measures has your company taken to incorporate sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to promoting and ensuring sustainable practices within the company? 

In my role as head of the Centre for Conciliation and Arbitration, we have updated the internal arbitration procedure regulations. A notable achievement in this process is the digital storage of arbitration cases. This change not only enhances the efficiency and accessibility of documents but also reflects a strong commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Transitioning to a digital format significantly reduces the centre’s carbon footprint by eliminating the need to print between 5,000 and 10,000 sheets per arbitration case. This initiative not only improves internal procedures but also aligns our practices with global sustainability and process digitalisation objectives. 


How do you prioritise diversity and inclusion within your legal department, and what initiatives have you implemented to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment?  

At the Centre for Commercial Conciliation and Arbitration, we are firmly committed to the principles of inclusion and gender equity, prioritising the participation of women in all our processes. We have implemented an inclusive policy ensuring that our arbitration tribunals always include at least one female arbitrator, who is often appointed as the tribunal president. This initiative not only promotes equal opportunities but also empowers women within our team, encouraging their active participation and leadership in the Centre’s processes. 

Additionally, this year, in collaboration with the Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission through the CIAC Women’s chapter, I have helped organise a series of events, seminars, and training sessions for female lawyers, arbitrators, and law students. We plan to continue these programmes annually to promote greater representation and participation of women in the field of arbitration in Bolivia. 


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