Ibling Iveth Chavarría Gutierrez – GC Powerlist
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Bolivia 2024

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Ibling Iveth Chavarría Gutierrez

Abogada corporativa | Grupo Monterrey


Bolivia 2024


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Ibling Iveth Chavarría Gutierrez

Abogada corporativa | Grupo Monterrey

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience? 

Covid-19 has left us great lessons in the business-legal world; it showed that we were not ready to face this type of situation, the quick reaction in the redesign of legal strategies was important, the contractual renegotiation, where we included clauses that minimised the legal risk and at the same time strengthened the relationships between parties, were key in that kind of environment. 

The situation in my country is currently different, we can say that we are going through a period of instability; the lack of foreign currency has generated a panorama in which companies must make decisions to foresee possible scenarios, in these cases we allow ourselves to apply legal strategies based on a step-by-step structure where the first responds to an evaluation of possible legal risks, whose The result makes room for step two, which is the change in policies. These step-in periods of instability are an option that cannot be avoided. The change in policies must always go hand in hand with the guidelines and interests of the stakeholders and the strategy. 

For this purpose, the legal area must generate a coming and going of ideas that allow the fusion of legal security with business success. An example of this situation is that we have added contractual clauses that ensure, on the one hand, lasting relationships with clients, investors, and other companies and, on the other, the balance and mitigation of risk in the event of possible negative economic effects in the country. 


What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments? 

Technological advancement has changed the management of various business areas in an unimaginable way, including legal, to the point of becoming a specialised topic that even has a well-deserved name “legaltech”; since the use of computers instead of typewriters, lawyers have had to adapt and have technology as an ally to remain current and today more than ever the legal sector must be at the forefront with technological advances to avoid lag behind. 

The automation of processes offered by emerging technologies is a fascinating tool if it can be used well. I believe that the most significant impact currently and not only in the legal area is artificial intelligence, this tool, together with good use of it, could have a very positive impact when carrying out searches, reviews, predictions, legal decision making and a countless number of tasks executable through systems created for that purpose, based on logical precepts or data comparison. 

Nowadays, and thanks to technological advances, it is not necessary to move from one place to virtually attend courses and thus learn about the latest developments from the pioneering countries in legaltech. Staying current by attending these courses, conferences, workshops offered by a wide variety of universities, institutes and even private associations has been and always will be a priority that not only impacts my professional growth, but also the quality of the service I offer within the organisation. 


How do you prioritise diversity and inclusion within your legal department, and what initiatives have you implemented to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment? 

I believe that the best policy we could have taken is that the selection processes, where sex, age, race or ideology do not add or subtract points when accessing a job within the business group to which I advise. That is to say, the positions are filled by suitable people whose professional and experience component adds up beyond any other subjective distinction. Likewise, with the internship programs that we have today, not even experience or age are obstacles to continuing to give. job opportunities for people who have the desire to improve themselves. 




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