María Eugenia Loayza Pereira – GC Powerlist
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Bolivia 2024

Industrials and real estate

María Eugenia Loayza Pereira

Gerente nacional del area legal | Inmobiliaria Kantutani


Bolivia 2024

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María Eugenia Loayza Pereira

Gerente nacional del area legal | Inmobiliaria Kantutani

Team size: 19 

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?   

As the National Legal Manager, I believe that effective legal management during periods of instability or crisis is crucial for the long-term survival and success of a company. In this role, I focus on several key areas to navigate these challenging times. 

Firstly, assessing legal risks is fundamental. By evaluating potential risks within the legal domain, I am able to anticipate contingencies that might arise. This proactive approach allows us to prepare and mitigate potential issues before they escalate. Alongside this, immediate adaptability is crucial when facing rapidly changing situations. The ability to pivot and adjust strategies swiftly can make a significant difference in how we manage crises. 

The current economic situation in Bolivia, marked by a decline in exports, low reserves, a fiscal deficit, and a shortage of dollar liquidity, has had a profound impact on businesses. Despite these challenges, Kantutani  has managed to achieve positive economic results. This success can be attributed to our strong organizational vision, our continuous improvement in technological tools, and our prudent resource management. These factors highlight the importance of resilience in our operations. 

Effective communication is another cornerstone of my approach. During times of instability, maintaining clear and timely communication with both internal and external clients is essential. This helps to ensure that everyone is informed and aligned, which is crucial for maintaining trust and navigating the challenges we face. 

Furthermore, ongoing monitoring is vital. By constantly keeping an eye on emerging risks, we can adjust our legal strategies as needed. This proactive stance helps us stay ahead of potential issues and adapt our approach to changing circumstances. 

In terms of aligning the legal strategy with the company’s overall business objectives, I make sure that our legal strategy is closely linked to Kantutani’s general business strategy. The goals of the legal department are designed to correspond with the company’s strategic objectives. As leaders in the funeral services sector in Bolivia, my department is equipped to handle all the demands and challenges that the industry presents. 

Moreover, our legal strategies are integrated across various domains, including commercial, financial, and administrative areas, ensuring that they align with the company’s organizational culture and values. This alignment is especially crucial during times of crisis, as it ensures that we are effectively supporting the company’s overall goals and navigating the current economic context in Bolivia. 

How do you prioritise diversity and inclusion within your legal department, and what initiatives have you implemented to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment?  

Diversity and inclusion are essential for the legal department of any company. The varied experiences and skills that each team member brings contribute to delivering high-quality service and ensuring that decisions are based on accurate, informed data. 

In my role as a leader, I prioritise diversity and inclusion through several mechanisms. Firstly, job postings for legal positions are made without any subjective criteria, ensuring that every candidate has an equal opportunity. We also make use of all available technological channels to advertise vacancies widely. Additionally, we have established an open space where legal team members can freely share their experiences, ideas, and proposals without any limitations. 

To foster a more inclusive and diverse work environment, I have implemented several initiatives. We offer flexible work arrangements and create shift roles for all personnel in the legal department, in line with our internal policies. Feedback and mentorship are also crucial, as they help our team members reinforce the knowledge they have gained through their academic studies. Moreover, we focus on enhancing their skills by specializing their roles based on their identified strengths, ensuring that they can develop and excel in their areas of expertise. 

These efforts contribute to a more dynamic and effective legal department, where everyone’s unique perspective is valued and utilised to its fullest potential. 



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