Rodrigo Rojo Jimenez – GC Powerlist
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Bolivia 2024

Telecommunication services

Rodrigo Rojo Jimenez

Director de asuntos corporativos, etica e cumplimiento | Telecel


Bolivia 2024

Recommended Individual

Rodrigo Rojo Jimenez

Director de asuntos corporativos, etica e cumplimiento | Telecel

Team size: 42  


How do you manage legal matters during periods of instability or crisis, and how does your legal strategy align with the overall business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience? 

As a starting point, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the company’s strategy to align the legal team’s approach. One of the advantages legal teams have is a broad perspective, which is enriched by their involvement in all parts of the business chain. This allows us to gather vital information from different areas, making it easier to identify opportunities. 

Equally important is having the right mindset, often moving beyond the typical lawyer’s role and recognising that ‘we are all in sales’ and can be advisors to the entire company. We do this while maintaining our legal perspective but with a business-oriented outlook. This approach helps us navigate crises and remain resilient. 


What emerging technologies do you believe will have the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments? 

Over the last four years, we have developed a tool called WaO (Winning as One), where we can track, quantify, and measure the contribution of the legal department to the organisation. This allows us not only to have a business mindset but also to set numerical objectives like commercial departments. This tool encourages the team to integrate, reach out to other areas of the company, and think outside the box in a constant search for projects that generate or protect value for the organisation and contribute to meeting annual numerical goals. The outcome of all the initiatives implemented has brought in over USD$100 m to the organisation. 


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