Antonio Basílio – GC Powerlist
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Brazil 2016

Antonio Basílio

General Counsel | Enel Brasil


Brazil 2016

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Antonio Basílio

General Counsel | Enel Brasil

Antonio Basilio - Brazil 2018

Head of legal and corporate affairs | Enel Brasil

Antonio Basilio provides Enel Brasil with over 30 years of legal experience including a successful career in private practice, as partner at Gouvêa Vieira Advogados, and extensive in-house experience in...

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Formerly trading under the brand name Endesa, Enel Brazil is one of the largest electricity companies in the country, with over 15 million clients and almost 18,000 employees. Headquartered in Niterói, Enel Brazil also operate across their additional regional offices in Bahia, São Paulo, Mato Grosso and Tocantins. With over a decade of experience within the company, general counsel Antonio Basilio has overseen legal matters related to the steady growth of the company, which, despite predecessor Endesa Brazil being established in 2005, can trace its operations in Brazil back to 1996. Utilising what one nominator calls ‘very broad knowledge and skills’, Basilio has been instrumental to the successful development of the company during this time, accruing ‘extensive contacts and knowledge of the market’ in doing so. Before his appointment as head of Enel Brazil’s legal counsel in April 2003, Basilio became a partner of what is now Gouvêa Vieira Advogados in 1991. During the 1990s he supported several privatisation operations in the electricity sector, including the acquisition of distribution companies Ampla (formerly CERJ) and Coelce by Enel Brazil. Basilio has also had an active participation in the establishment of CIEN, which is also under the Enel Group in Brazil, in a complex international tendering process to build the energy interconnection system between Brazil and Argentina. He also played a leading role in the creation of Endesa Fortaleza (CGTF), under the Thermoelectricity Priority Programme (PPT).

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Antonio Basilio

Head of legal and corporate affairs

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