General Counsel | Fibria Celulose
Eduardo Andretto
General Counsel | Fibria Celulose
Eduardo Andretto is the General Counsel at Fibria Celulose, a pulp and paper company, specialising in the cultivation of forests as renewable and sustainable sources of life. Andretto originally joined Votorantim Celulose (VCP) in 2009, but following a merger between Aracruz Celulose and VCP in 2010, Fibria Celulose was formed as part of the wider Votorantim Group and Andretto was asked upon to oversee all legal matters at the combined entity. He has since worked vigorously in order establish the company as a market leader following the merger. Andretto now leads a team of 34 highly skilled and versatile personnel, a group which he was tasked with the responsibility of assembling from scratch. The department is organised as a law office and demonstrate a best-in-class understanding of industry requirements. With Andretto at the helm, the Fibria Celulose legal division continues to assist the company with innovative and progressive solutions in addition to having an influence in regards to major projects and litigation; most notably the recent settlement agreement of a class action, following the Aracruz Celulose decline.