Fernanda Rocha C. Pogliese – GC Powerlist
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Brazil 2016

Fernanda Rocha C. Pogliese

Legal manager | Energisa


Brazil 2016


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Fernanda Rocha C. Pogliese

Legal manager | Energisa

Fernanda Rocha C. Pogliese leads the legal department at Energisa, a leading privately owned energy group in the electricity sector in Brazil. With proven experience as a corporate legal director...

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Fernanda Rocha C. Pogliese heads legal matters at Energisa, a privately-held energy company that distributes to 7% of the Brazilian population. The legal manager, who has been with the company for over 15 years, is praised by various nominators for her ‘business-orientated vision and exceptional knowledge on corporate law’. This skill set has enabled Pogliese to adequately mitigate risks that the establishment is likely to be subjected to. Pogliese has proved to be a valuable contributor to Energisa’s strategic developments; she demonstrates a solid relationship with various departments throughout the company and continues to operate at an incredibly high standard. The difficult economic environment and an array of regulatory reforms within the energy sector have required that Pogliese demonstrate sector-specific knowledge in addition to developing extensive legal strategies to innovatively support the organisation. Pogliese additionally controls Energisa’s judicial processes and is responsible for the analysis of the company’s contractual operations. The legal manager is cited by an external source as an ‘excellent professional and a great leader’.

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