José Alvarenga – GC Powerlist
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Brazil 2016

José Alvarenga

Legal & Compliance Manager | Icatu Holding S/A


Brazil 2016

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José Alvarenga

Legal & Compliance Manager | Icatu Holding S/A


José Alvarenga is the legal and compliance manager at Icatu Holding S/A, an independent Brazilian life insurer, pension provider and financial planner for 5.5 million customers. Alvarenga has been central to the development of numerous strategies throughout the company. Via close cooperation with various other departments, Alvarenga has provided a significant contribution to the implementation of Icatu’s corporate governance policy, a process which has ensured that management is optimised to accommodate the requirements of shareholders and customers. The corporate governance procedure also maximised efficiency throughout the organistion in addition to mitigating potential risks. Alvarenga’s in-depth understanding of the legal market has seen him demonstrate his expertise in Icatu’s code of ethics program. He ensures the establishment is in compliance with the industry’s ethical conducts and that all departments demonstrate a high standard and quality across the board. Having spent over 15 years with Icatu, Alvarenga is a respected, informed voice that is able to steer company strategy not just through theoretical knowledge, but practical experience and application.

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